Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 3 in New York

The UN!
The General Assemble HallAnother really cool light post with UN & American Flags on it.

A cute little park by the UN. This lady was with out a doubt "The Brird Lady" Check out the outfit. Cool old Taxi
Rockefeller Center! COOL PLACE

FAO Schwartz, the big TOY Store. IT was so cool. We need one here ASAP!
This is for CHERYL, they had really cute cloths for really Cheap however. . . the line to try things on was out of control and I wasn't in the mood to wait so we looked and kept on going. I need to go back when i have a girl with me who also wants to shop and wait in line. HA HA. I love ya Dyl

I'm not sure what Church this was at but they had the most amazing stain glass windows. I wanted to take a million pictures but Dyl was a little weird about it so I only got a few this is my favorite!

Day 3 was tons of walking but we saw so many cool things. Everyone should go to New York it is GREAT!


Welsh Woman said...

Once again, jealous, jealous, jealous!!! :)